Surviving the Native Digital Era?

Synchronized Past

Way back before the 1900s, the world was all scattered and out of sync. People did their own thing in their own village, town, or country.

Around 1950, everything was super centralized. There was just one phone company, two big-shot superpowers (US and USSR), and only three TV channels (ABC, CBS, NBC). Life was uniform, with not much variety.

The 20th century was all about mega-centralized tech like movies, radio, news, factories, and big states. It was the time of everything getting locked in sync.

We were heading towards a synced-up world, marching to the beat of centralized time, until personal computers, smartphones, and the internet turned things around.

Now in the 21st century, it’s like the opposite of the 20th century in many ways. We’re seeing this movement where everything’s getting decentralized again, going back to that individual, async digital culture.

Tech played a huge role in flipping the script towards decentralization. First came the personal computer in the late ’70s, then the internet in ‘91, and now, things like Bitcoin.

Asynchronized Present

Texting has made our communication asynchronous, and we’ve created our own digital worlds.

The trend toward decentralization means we’re empowered to shape our own reality.

Our habits with apps and the information we consume heavily influence how we see things.

Our future is deeply influenced by our past.

Whenever a system becomes overly centralized, it tends to naturally break up into smaller, more scattered parts. But if we go too far in decentralizing everything, we often end up rallying around new centers again.

In essence, it’s a cycle of things bundling up, then breaking apart, and eventually coming back together.

Digital technology is allowing millions to step outside the typical systems.

The aim is to give more power back to the people.

Native Digital Future

We used to deal with papers, then moved on to all-in-one scanner/printer/fax machines, and now it’s all about digital files.

This shift from physical to pure digital is happening. Over the last two decades, it’s been all about taking what we’ve had offline and tossing it up into the cloud.

We used to add friends from real life to facebook. Now we meet online creators from social media in real life.

Why does decentralization seem to be winning in the long run?

With countless developers and billions of smartphones, the internet has become essential to our daily lives.

Chaotic Disorientation

We live in a digital native world.

The inability to construct your digital reality leads to anxiety, stress, and chaos.

If you remain plugged to the mainstream flow of flooding information. You will fall into the default which reflects the failure of institutions.

What do mainstream health, money, and relationships lead to? Look no further than the metacrisis.

Stressed, anxious, disoriented people unable to filter the signal from the noise.

The way to navigate this type of environment is not the way of the past as it is similar in its decentralization, but not similar in its digitalization.

There are no experts of the digital native future.

This is why its important to be equipped with the skills and capabilities to navigate easily.


It used to be the case that learning a skill meant you could land a reliable career.

In the multi future, we all have multiple careers, seasons, and projects in life.

That is why cultivating meta-skills is crucial.

Meta-skills are broad capabilities that help you to develop other skills and can be applied across a wide variety of domains.

As more jobs become automated, possessing these skills will be more important than ever.

1. Organizing

In a fast-paced and constantly changing digital environment, the ability to organize information and tasks is crucial. This includes managing digital files, setting priorities, and creating efficient workflows. With the abundance of information and tools available, mastering organizational skills will allow you to navigate this chaotic digital landscape.

2. Thinking

Thinking skills are the bread and butter of internet work. With the overwhelming amount of information and perspectives available, the ability to analyze, evaluate, and form independent thoughts is crucial. Developing strong critical thinking skills will enable individuals to navigate the complexities of the digital world and make informed decisions.

3. Learning

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the ability to learn new skills quickly and adapt to changes is essential. Cultivating a learner’s mindset and embracing lifelong learning will be crucial for success in the native digital future. By staying curious, open-minded, and actively seeking out new knowledge and experiences, individuals can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the ever-changing digital world.


We’re taking control of our online lives, but it’s also getting overwhelming with too much info and feeling lost.

To handle this, we have to adapt with learning meta skills. These skills help us figure out the tech maze, make smart choices, and thrive.

This way we can confidently steer through the online world. Being adaptable, staying curious, and thinking smart will be the game-changers in this native digital age.

Mastering metaskills isn’t about seeking out experts. There are no experts in native digital metaskills. Learning happens within communities that share common goals, shaping the future and culture.

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Elite Digitalist

Timeless Freedom

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