No More Projects

In any productivity system, the standard unit of progress is projects.

In a project-based system, you typically work on 1-3 projects in parallel and move them to completion within a short time frame (weeks to months).

This provides enough momentum to keep moving forward through milestones, outcomes, and ultimately achieving goals.

Your hidden workload

The problem is that tracking projects is not a real representation of your true workload.

There's a hidden layer of workflows that are done at the same level but are not tracked.

Things like recurring routine projects that are:

  • Too large to be tasks
  • Too small to be projects
  • Similar in properties to be grouped together.

They exist in their own world.

For example:

  • Sales CRM: A pipeline of sales operations
  • Content Production: A workflow of content pieces
  • Product Development: A series of product versions

All these items are treated as projects in the moment, as they compete for your attention, energy and resources with projects. But they cannot be grouped with projects as they have different properties, scope, and recurrence.

Programs vs Projects

So how do you track Series?

In order to solve this issue, I created one section that contains both projects and series. It's called Programs.

At any point in time, you can visualize your active projects, content, sales, products, trips, taxes.

This allows you to visualize 100% of your workload in a simple easy way.

The Big Picture

This integrates perfectly in the PARAGON model:

1. Programs: projects and series

2. Areas: categories and processes

3. Reference: apps and systems

4. Assets: topics and documents

5. Goals: short term goals

6. Overview: long term vision

7. Northstar: purpose and values

This system comprehensively manages all timelines within your control, ensuring nothing is overlooked.

So now you can use this system to organize your own information in Notion without worrying about missing any timescale, from short-term (days) to long-term (lifetime).

Elite Digitalist

Timeless Freedom

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