Giving up life mechanics

Digital modernity is the biggest threat to the human condition as we know it.

Modern life is becoming more digital, which makes it different in kind and degree than the past.

Mechanical Overload

The difference is the mechanization of our lives has become essential for basic survival:

  • Work 40+ hours, assess career options, and compare rates for savings.
  • Plan, cook weekly meals, maintain health, ensure sleep, and stay informed about health.
  • Maintain hygiene and home, consider renovations, plan trips, stay informed, allocate hobbies and relaxation time.
  • Keep in touch with loved ones, nurture relationships, cover pet needs, and plan for children’s lives.

We live in an era characterized by an overflow of information and endless choices.

The responsibility to understand and act on this information and options is continually growing.

We deal with information about our homes, businesses, health, children, pets, nutrition, holidays, and more.

We search for and save information to manage these responsibilities effectively.

Surfacing the Elements

If we don’t address the mechanical elements, they remainhidden and turn us into robotic beings, stressed and constantly racing to match machines.

The solution is to bring these mechanizations to the foreground and manage them effectively.

Doing so allows us to regain our humanity.

By putting them in a dashboard, we can step away and return to our natural rhythm.

People often postpone addressing mechanics until it becomes a tragic emergency.

The life I want to live is the opposite of mechanical. It’s warm, informal, intuitive, spontaneous, and free.

When mechanical tasks are not handled systematically, it can mechanize relationships, responsibilities, and every aspect of your life.

Life on Track

I created a Notion Template full of life mechanics for you to bring to the surface, so you can step away and return to your natural way of being.

If you like this and want to access the rest of the templates, courses, and the pieces to the puzzle, here’s the link to join the waitlist for when I open the doors again to join the Elite Digitalist Club soon.

See you inside.

Elite Digitalist

Timeless Freedom

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